Using Humor to Succeed in Business

Laughing Business Person
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Whether you are delivering content in writing or face to face, you don’t want to be dry and monotonous. If that happens, you may lose your target audience entirely. Then you will be finished before you even start. If you inject some humor into your delivery; however, you will have them eating out of the palm of your hand.

People are humans

Human beings are interesting and often complex creatures. They don’t like to be spoken to and they need to have an emotional connection in order to respond and react to whatever is being said and done. If you deliver monotonous, flat information, your audience members will react accordingly. On the other hand, if you use humor as a subtle (and appropriate) tool and you establish an emotional connection with them, you will win them over in no time.

Try to have more fun

You may be thinking that having fun at work, whether it is in the form of jokes or otherwise, is taboo. Well, if you use humor appropriately and tastefully, you may achieve wildly positive results and other people will pay much more attention to what you are doing and saying than they ever did before. You want your work (and your work environment) to have an atmosphere that people want to be a part of and to experience. You want other people to interact with you with very positive attitudes and with pleasure.

If you use humor in your day-to-day interactions with other people, you will probably change the other people’s perspectives about a lot of different things. Humor is a wonderful tool that makes everything seem less serious and more approachable. Of course, that doesn’t mean that you are not accomplishing great work. It just means that you are having a nicer time on the journey from Point A to Point B. Nobody ever said that the journey has to be painful. In fact, it should never be that.

Humor applies to all businesses

No matter what business you are in, there is a way for you to successfully work humor into it. After all, you want to relate to other people on an emotional level. That means that you need to find common ground and humor is one definite way to do that. Keep in mind that not everyone has the same sense of humor but there will still be certain elements of the humor that resonate with everyone. On the other side, you also need to make sure that your humor is always tasteful and is never inappropriate or offensive. You will probably find that if you don’t take yourself too seriously, others will jump in and want to have fun with you.

Diversity contributes to the atmosphere of humor

As you are considering exactly how to use humor in a work environment, it is important to remember that the humor that you express will be received very differently depending on the diversity of the work culture. It is a really good idea to try to get to know the people before you introduce humor into the mix. That will hopefully not take too long. At least you will get to know people enough to successfully choose exactly what they will respond to. A big part of what makes the work culture so interesting is that diversity. You will find that many people have something very interesting to share. If you make people feel comfortable, you will get much more out of the experience.

Humor is essential in some form in business

No matter what form of humor is used, it will help improve productivity among all of the people involved. Happy people love to work and they love to do the best possible job that they can. Humor can also go very far when it comes to strengthening and supporting your brand. Humor is memorable and if you are clever enough to use that humor for your brand, people will remember your brand much more easily. 

Humor also says a great deal about you and the other people. It is intelligent to use humor and your decision to do so in your business shows that you have the big picture in mind. You aren’t only focusing on small details. With that sort of approach, you are bound to succeed collectively.

The many benefits of humor

Using humor in business has many different benefits. It is a tremendous stress reliever, it brings out the human/emotional side of everyone, and it makes everyone feel comfortable. That is good emotionally, psychologically, and physically. It also helps to create more trust among people, increases morale, makes you (and everyone else) approachable, gives you an edge against your competitors, and basically makes everything seem brighter.


Using humor in business is essential to your success because it shows just how human you are and how human others are as well. Humans react to humor. You may wish to consider some other ways that humor helps such as it allows you to deal with difficult situations less painfully, considering things from a new perspective, and becoming more resilient. It is a simple but critical concept. Not only do you want to establish a connection with other people but you want to continue to build that connection and ensure that what you are sharing is resonating with others. It is important to be able to laugh at yourself and with others.

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  • Michael Cohn

    Michael Cohn is the founder and Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of CompuKol Communications. He has decades of experience in IT and web technologies. Michael founded CompuKol Communications to help small businesses and entrepreneurs increase their visibility and reputation. CompuKol consults, creates, and implements communication strategies for small businesses to monopolize their markets with a unique business voice, vision, and visibility. Mr. Cohn earned a Master’s degree in project management from George Washington University in Washington, DC; and a Master’s degree in computer science and a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering from Fairleigh Dickinson University in Teaneck, NJ.