Using LinkedIn Groups to Increase Traffic to Your Business Blog

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LinkedIn groups are being used more often now by those in career transition as well as by entrepreneurs. Are you using it to bring more traffic to your blog? Are you using LinkedIn to its full capacity for job networking?

If you are not yet using LinkedIn groups for professional networking and to drive traffic to your blogs, the steps below will guide you on how to accomplish this as well as how to increase the number of visitors to your website and blogs.

A very valuable feature on LinkedIn that is underutilized is the Groups feature. The focus of your intention when getting involved with groups on LinkedIn should be “how can I help someone else” instead of “what’s in it for me.” The feature is very user-friendly and you will feel very comfortable navigating in no time.

Find groups on LinkedIn relating to the subjects that you write about or provide on your site

Since LinkedIn allows you to subscribe to a maximum of 50 groups, you should take advantage of this and subscribe to as many groups as possible that relate to your business. However, to protect you from being perceived as a spammer, you shouldn’t post the same article to more than a few groups at a time.
You have to post to each LinkedIn group manually. The process to post an article to a group is:

  1. Go to the specific group.
  2. Click on the News tab.
  3. Click on Submit a News Article.
  4. Paste the URL of your article (which comes from your blog).
  5. Your article title and summary will now be retrieved from your blog.
  6. You have an option to add a comment and check a box to be notified when other people post comments on your article.

The more relevant the article is to the group, the more likely people will be to click on and read your article on your blog and to leave comments.

Get involved in discussions with the group

Merely posting links without any real, active involvement doesn’t earn you the trust of the other members of the group. Get involved with those who comment on your submissions and visit other posts to add your opinion. The power of your communication is that you will gain the trust of others and will earn credibility. You will be viewed as a subject matter expert and you will be considered a valuable resource by others who will want to connect with you. All of those connections are of value, either as potential customers, valuable job networking connections, or to build valuable business relationships.

Answer LinkedIn questions
By having a proactive voice in the LinkedIn questions arena, you will strengthen your credibility by becoming a subject matter expert. When you post your response, remember to include a description and link to your content in both the website and text sections.

Ensure that your profile has your status updates and updated site links and install the blog applications

Make sure that your information is always up to date so that visitors to your profile have quick access to your site. In addition to posting your blog articles to LinkedIn groups, you can install the blog applications so that your blog articles are automatically posted on your profile through your RSS feed.


If you follow these simple steps, the result will be a dramatic increase in your blog or website traffic and in your networking connections. LinkedIn will enable you to build strong relationships with others with whom you can share a mutually beneficial relationship.

For more information how to leverage social media for your business, visit us at CompuKol Communications.


  • Michael Cohn

    Michael Cohn is the founder and Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of CompuKol Communications. He has decades of experience in IT and web technologies. Michael founded CompuKol Communications to help small businesses and entrepreneurs increase their visibility and reputation. CompuKol consults, creates, and implements communication strategies for small businesses to monopolize their markets with a unique business voice, vision, and visibility. Mr. Cohn earned a Master’s degree in project management from George Washington University in Washington, DC; and a Master’s degree in computer science and a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering from Fairleigh Dickinson University in Teaneck, NJ.

12 Responses

  1. Another easy way to post your blog on LinkedIn Groups you belong to is to use the Share button (which I assume you’ll have under each new blog on your site), click on LinkedIn. LinkedIn will already have filled in the URL. You paste in the first few lines of your blog, and type in the source. Hit the button for the first group and the article will automatically be posted to that group. After the first group, all you need is to hit each group’s button for the article to be posted.

  2. Hi – Thanks for this article.  It is particularly interesting to see what you say about not posting the same news item to too many groups for being perceived as a spammer. I will have to bear this in mind.  Does anybody know if articles on linkedin has any benefit from an SEP point of view? 

  3. lazyexipleRiz says:

    Generally I do not post on blogs, but I would love to mention that this post extremely forced me to try and do therefore! really nice post. thanks

  4. NightWalker says:

    Rather cool blog you’ve got here. Thanks for it. I like such topics and anything connected to this matter. I definitely want to read a bit more on that blog soon.

    Truly yours

  5. MambAmaph says:

    hi there, nice website
    a way to write blog posts that will smash in people:

  6. Ella PARKER says:

    Really nice post u got here. It’d be just great to read a bit more about this topic. Thank you for posting that info.

    Ella PARKER

  7. Will Brooks says:

    Very insightful article.  As linkedin is considered a social networking site it is many times overlooked for one of the avenues for driving traffic to your site.

  8. Jean-Paul says:

    This blog is a great resource, and attracts helpful comments too. Attracting visitors is not easy but with effort and determination, we can see good results.My own strategy is to combine mulptiple traffic generation tactics like video marketing, article marketing.I use to convert all my article in pdf or powerpoint format and then post them on site like slideshare,docstoc.It’s a good way to be quickly ranked in Google.

  9. EnSuite says:

    Looks like i have to check out the LinkedIn groups now. Never even knew it's benefits!

  10. Alef Bet Jewelry says:

    I cannot seem to locate the share feature on the news section on linked in.  I love the advice, and am trying to follow it, but found a hurdle.  Thanks!

  11. Anne Egros says:

    Hi Michael, you blog is always informative. I dis not realized that posting to many groups at once would be perceive as spamming since different people are on different groups. I will try to post specifically and separately to each blog with the topic of my post with a different question or title. What is the maximum groups shall I post one post to get the best chances to be read ? Thank you again for this great post.