Category: Influence Marketing


The Weight of Emotional Intelligence in Social Media Marketing

Emotional intelligence is not new. It has been a concept (and a reality) for a very long time. However, the only difference now is that it has a new name. That happens quite often with concepts as well as other, more tangible things. Maybe people just get tired of using the same names so switching it up makes it seem as though that particular thing is new again.

Influencer Marketing

Strengthening Your Online Influencer List

If you have been in business for any length of time, even a short length, you must understand how important influencers are to your brand and to your online and in-person interactions. Of course, there are several steps that you need to follow before you even get to the point of putting together a list of influencers; however, once you are at that point, your influencer list should be solid and robust. It may be time to take your list and build on it and make it even stronger.