Avoiding the Use of Low-Quality Images for Your Content

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There are so many images available on the Internet that are potentially appropriate for your content. There are sites that charge a nominal fee per image and there are other sites that don’t charge anything. In your search for just the right image for your content, if time is a factor (which it generally is), you may go for what is easy and quick. However, is that necessarily the best choice?

Consequences of choosing the wrong image

Choosing the wrong image for your content will say a lot about the message that you are trying to bring across to your target audience. As important as your content is to your business, the images that you use in your content to support what you are writing is equally important. A large number of people are visual, which means that they react much more positively to images than they do to words.

The truth is that if you are consistent and prolific (enough), you will need to tap into an image source on a regular basis. Short of taking photographs and using those exclusively instead of any other type of image, you will need to find a credible source with images that are valuable to your business. It is that simple. Your inclination may be to use stock photos in that situation. However, if you use stock photos, it may be obvious (in many cases) that they are stock photos. If they are obviously stock photos, that may potentially damage your reputation. At the very least, it will send a message that you are not willing to make the effort to do it the right way. Of course, your takeaway from this should not be that all stock photos are off-limit. You just need to consider your choice carefully when you are ready to use a photo with your content.

Seriously consider the excitement factor

When it comes to images, the fake is not good. However, boring (or unimaginative) is even worse. If your image is boring, there is a good chance that your target audience members will stop reading whatever you are posting and abandon that particular article entirely. If that happens again, that person may see your name connected to the content and not even bother reading the second piece of content. The truth is that if you are not able to capture the other person’s attention, you are finished before you have even had a chance to begin.

Never, ever plagiarize

No matter what you do with images, you must always give credit to whom credit is due. In addition to the fact that plagiarism is ethically wrong, it is also wrong from a legal perspective. If the copyright owner chooses to pursue you, it might end up costing you a lot of money, not to mention your reputation. That is the last thing that you want or need to happen. If you find yourself in such a position, the first thing that you need to do is apologize and say that it will never happen again (you better make sure that it doesn’t). As far as the money that you will be obligated to pay for plagiarizing, you should try to bargain. In many cases, that will work (within reason). It is probably less about the money than it is about the principle. The simple way to avoid this issue is to make sure that the images that you plan to use are usable from a legal perspective. Never assume that they are without verifying them.

Choose images that are different

The last thing that your target audience wants is to see images in your content that are just like everyone else’s images. You want your images to be as unique as possible and really memorable. Undoubtedly, you want your content to stand above everyone else’s content. That is exactly how you will successfully build a solid relationship with the other person. That way, when the other person needs or wants what you happen to be selling, you will be the first person who comes to mind. 

Marry your images to your words

When it comes to choosing images to add to your content, it is very important that those images support your story in a way that is really effective, refined, and valuable (not to mention, memorable). You don’t need to avoid using stock photos entirely, however, you do need to proceed carefully so that the images give you the greatest impact. Make sure that the graphics have a synergy with your story and match the tone of what you are saying very well. Going with quality over quantity will generally serve you and your brand well.


When it comes to the images that you choose to add to your content, it is very important that those images support your story in a way that is really effective, refined, and valuable (not to mention, memorable). You don’t need to avoid using stock photos entirely, however, you do need to proceed carefully when choosing images so that whichever images you choose give you the greatest impact. Make sure to choose images that have a synergy with your story and match the tone of what you are saying very well. Going with quality over quantity will generally serve you and your brand well.

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  • Michael Cohn

    Michael Cohn is the founder and Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of CompuKol Communications. He has decades of experience in IT and web technologies. Michael founded CompuKol Communications to help small businesses and entrepreneurs increase their visibility and reputation. CompuKol consults, creates, and implements communication strategies for small businesses to monopolize their markets with a unique business voice, vision, and visibility. Mr. Cohn earned a Master’s degree in project management from George Washington University in Washington, DC; and a Master’s degree in computer science and a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering from Fairleigh Dickinson University in Teaneck, NJ.