Identifying Trending Topics to Write About


Trending topics on social media carry a lot of weight when it comes to the impact that they have on your business. If you can embrace your target audience members and all that they stand for, what they want, and what they need, you can identify the topics that matter most to them and write top-notch content to satisfy those needs and wants.

There is a wealth of information to write about

In the past, there were a limited number of topics about which you would (and could) write. However, nowadays, there is a wealth of information about which to write. That makes your job more challenging. However, there are approaches that you can take to uncover that gems that are trending topics that are a good fit for your target audience and for your brand.

[tweetthis]Writing on trending topics will impact your business in a positive way. You need to keep on top of things.[/tweetthis]

It is essential that you pay attention to the discussions that are taking place so that you can be a part of those discussions. The discussions are important because they allow you to build relationships with other people and they also allow you to give other people the benefit of your knowledge and your expertise. If you are not sure what to write about and you are also not sure where to look for those trending topics, you should start with social media. You will probably have a lot of good luck finding ideas.

Finding topics on various social media channels

There are several different ways that you can find trending topics about which to write. For example, if you happen to believe that Twitter is effective for your business, you might want to try searching for trending news stories that have recently broken. Even if you don’t happen to have an account (which is recommended), you can still find trending topics on Twitter. If you look for Twitter Moments, which houses current trending news topics. However, it is not just a list of topics. It also shows full articles on those topics. You should be aware of the fact that the topics are the bigger stories of the day. Smaller, more obscure topics are probably not offered because the list is of curated content.

If you have a Twitter account, you can set up alerts for customized trends. That will make your search even easier. Other information that you will be able to gather includes locations and specific target markets. The other social media channels all have features that will help you to gather the information that you are looking for as well. You can search for people in the news as well as geographic locations where you think that you will find an interesting topic.

How the stories are organized

The trending topics are arranged differently on each social media channel; however, the concept of how to arrange them is basically the same. They are organized similarly to news sites and other websites that have news. It is important to remember that not everyone identifies with the same trending topics. It is definitely subjective to a point. Trending topics can include controversial subjects but your choices should not include topics that make people get upset or crazy.

Search engines have trends too

You can find trending topics on the search engines as well. That totally stands to reason because search engines have news features. Interestingly, with the search engines, you can search for topics and you can also see the trends (analytics) because that particular software has that capability. Pretty cool!


You have a lot of opportunities and options to find trending topics to write about. Those trending topics will help you to bring your business to the next level by engaging other people with stimulating thought-provoking content for people to read. There is a lot of interesting information out there and you are bound to find topics that are near and dear to your heart.

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  • Carolyn Cohn

    Carolyn Cohn is the Co-Founder & Chief Creative Services of CompuKol Communications. Carolyn manages CompuKol’s creative and editorial department, which consists of writers and editors. Her weekly blogs are syndicated globally. She has decades of editorial experience in online editing, and editing books, journal articles, abstracts, and promotional and educational materials. Carolyn earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from the State University of New York (SUNY) at Buffalo.

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