Who Writes Your Blog, You or the Audience?

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Considering that you are in business not only for yourself but to please other people as well, their input into your content is critical to the success of your business. Without their input, you won’t have a focus.

Don’t let ego get in the way

When you think about it, everyone is guided by someone else in business. Otherwise, you would have no idea what to give the people who will eventually become your clients. Your audience members must be engaged with you at all times. That doesn’t mean that you are not capable of creating your materpiece on your own. It just means that you are intelligent enough to recognize the value that other people bring, including your target audience, to the table. Don’t let your ego stop you from taking the feedback and really making it work for your business. It will prove to be invaluable to you and your business. There is no doubt that the content that you create and subsequently share with other people is yours and that the way the writing is expressed comes from you. However, taking the opinions and points of view of your audience members is very intelligent and extremely beneficial.

The order of things

The process that you will undoubtely follow starts with gathering information for topics and ideas upon which your content is based. You may have some ideas to start with but there will be many more that will come from your target audience and many of those ideas will be extremely valuable. If people are not given the chance to tell you what they want and need, there is no way that you will be able to satisfy those needs and wants. Afterall, your business cannot be a success without the collaboration between you and your target audience. You need each other to be a true success.

Where to begin

Before you can reach out to your audience and ask them to help you to write your blog content, you need to establish exactly who is a member of your target audience. You may have identified some of your target audience members but you may still have others that you need to identify and with whom you need to form relationships. It is important to remember that each one of your audience members is a different person with diffierent opinions and different ideas. Each person is valuable in his or her own way and it is critical that you treasure that nurture that concept. You may find that the topics of several of your audience members are similar; however, considering the uniqueness of each person, that may introduce all sorts of nuances that will make your blog content really interesting. You will find that your blog content will evolve, depending on your target audience. Over time, your audience will change and your blog content will change with it.

Give your audience what they want and need

There is so much information to be had and you and your small piece of the pie are responsible for a small part of that, although your small piece has the potential to make a big difference. Without exception, the members of your target audience, although they are all different from one another, do have one thing in common. They are all reading your blog content because they have the desire to learn something new. It is your responsibility to provide them with a platform for learning. It is very important to remember that the concepts and the writing are of equal importance and your focus, as the owner of the blog, is to make sure that both are accomplished to the best of your ability. Your objective must be to make sure that every one of your audience members walks away, after reading any of your blog content, with a little more knowledge than they possessed before.


It is critical that you understand the importance that your target audience hold when it comes to your blog content. They will not be physically writing your blog content but they will be having a tremendous say in what goes into it. The reward that you will receive for asking for their input is that they will become loyal to you and your business and that they will take your content and share it with other people, who will, in turn, share it with others and others, etc. Of course, at all times, it is very important that you understand who you are writing for and what you are writing about so that everyone is satisfied.



  • Carolyn Cohn

    Carolyn Cohn is the Co-Founder & Chief Creative Services of CompuKol Communications. Carolyn manages CompuKol’s creative and editorial department, which consists of writers and editors. Her weekly blogs are syndicated globally. She has decades of editorial experience in online editing, and editing books, journal articles, abstracts, and promotional and educational materials. Carolyn earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from the State University of New York (SUNY) at Buffalo.

1 Response

  1. Ros McLintock says:

    Via LinkedIn Groups
    Group: Business Development – The Missing Link between Marketing & Sales
    Discussion: Who Writes Your Blog, You or the Audience?

    This follows on from the problem that most businesses have with their websites. The websites are all about them and not enough about what the reader wants. In other words, too much about how good we are and not enough about what we can do for you the reader of the website/blog.
    By Ros McLintock