Tagged: social influence

Influencer Marketing

How to Smoothly Become Influential

Becoming an influencer is extremely honorable and it is a way to give back in a profound manner. As an influencer, you are insightful and you take action. Other people need your knowledge and your expertise and there is no better way to share all that you have learned than by teaching them and by using your considerable influence to help them bring their business to the next level.

LinkedIn Keyboard

Achieving LinkedIn Influencer Status

In a recent blog post, we wrote, How Do You Recognize Influencers? in order to increase your business’ reputation. The other side of the coin is how to achieve LinkedIn influencer status yourself so that you can positively influence other businesses. One thing that you should keep in mind is that there is influencer status and then there is influencer status on LinkedIn. The two are not the same thing.

Influencer Marketing

Strengthening Your Online Influencer List

If you have been in business for any length of time, even a short length, you must understand how important influencers are to your brand and to your online and in-person interactions. Of course, there are several steps that you need to follow before you even get to the point of putting together a list of influencers; however, once you are at that point, your influencer list should be solid and robust. It may be time to take your list and build on it and make it even stronger.


The Sociology of Optimizing ROI for Social Marketing Success

If you have any hope of your marketing efforts paying off and bringing you a return on your investment (ROI), you will need to understand the sociology behind it and to truly understand not only what you need to do but also why you need to do it. Taking the appropriate steps and knowing why those steps are critical is essential to your professional success.