Creative Ways to Repurpose Your Content

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If you have been in business for any time at all, you undoubtedly have content that you wrote and posted once for the benefit of your readers. If that content is valuable (as long as it isn’t time-sensitive), there is absolutely no reason why you shouldn’t find ways to repurpose it so that other people can benefit from what you have to say.

Get as much mileage out of your content as possible

If you wrote the content and then decided to share that content with other people, it is probably safe to assume that you found value in what you wrote. You put all of that time and effort into writing top-quality content. So, why shouldn’t you get as much mileage out of it as possible? You may have a loyal following but the chances are good that some of your readers are no longer reading your content and others are new to you and have not ever had the chance to read that particular content when you shared it with people the first time around.

The likelihood is that your content is incredibly valuable and there is absolutely no reason why you shouldn’t get the most out of it by sharing it more than once. Of course, before you share it the second, third, etc, time, you will want to tweak it to make sure that it has a fresh feel and is as up to date as you can make it. Even though it did get dusty, you don’t have to let your readers know about that. When your readers read your content, they should get the feeling that they have never read anything like that before. It is okay if they have an inkling that the subject matter seems familiar but they probably will not figure out why the feel that way. Considering that you spent a great deal of time and effort on writing the content originally, there is no reason why you shouldn’t be able to get the most out of it for your business.

Repurposing previously written material

Undoubtedly, you have a repository of amazing content that you can use again. If you are an accomplished writer, you will have covered a myriad of relevant, appropriate topics. The chances are very good that those topics will never go out of style, which means that you can use them in a variety of ways again. The way to keep your previously written content fresh is by putting in some current information that relates to the topic. Keeping your content fresh is critical to that content being received successfully. When it comes to your readers’ reactions to your content, your goal is the same that it is any time you share content. You want them to be interested enough to read your content all the way to the end and you want them to think highly enough about what you have written to want to share it with other people whom they know and trust. It is really that simple. The good news is that your content has already been tested and it passed with flying colors. However, remember to keep it fresh. That is essential for your success. 

Changing the face of your content the second time around

There are many different types of media that you can use when you repurpose your content. You can turn it into a video, a slide presentation, and even a podcast. Because may people are visual, they respond very positively to visual (and audio) content. Of course, that is not to say that written content is not effective as well. It is just a different way of presenting your content and if you choose to approach it like that, there is no doubt that you will be making your content fresh and appealing to a wide range of people. It is really a good idea for you, as a business owner, to stretch your creative wings whenever possible. It adds to your subject matter expert status and it helps you to solidify the relationships that you have with other people. If you do choose to stick with written content, you may want to seriously consider using a graphic element in your content. It breaks up the dryness of the content and it will be appealing to your readers in a way that only words may not be.

Teach what you know

Being knowledgeable is an amazing concept and is a gift. However, your true gift lies in being able to take that knowledge and expertise and sharing it with other people so that they can apply it to their own businesses (or lives, if that is relevant). The more you share of yourself and your knowledge, the deeper your relationship will be with other people. It is important to keep in mind that what you are really after is building relationships with other people. Without the relationship as the basis, you will not be able to do business together and there will be no hope of your selling anything.


Although you need to initially put in a significant amount of time and effort, there is no reason why you can’t get a lot of mileage out of what you have created without having to reinvent the wheel every time you post content. In fact, it is very intelligent if you leverage your content in every way possible. Just remember not to use the same content within a short period. Repurposing content allows you to connect with a new audience, to uncover gems that may have been long forgotten, and to really make the most of what you have. It can also be a source of inspiration for future content. You are in possession of a gem. It would be a real shame not to take advantage of that.

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  • Carolyn Cohn

    Carolyn Cohn is the Co-Founder & Chief Creative Services of CompuKol Communications. Carolyn manages CompuKol’s creative and editorial department, which consists of writers and editors. Her weekly blogs are syndicated globally. She has decades of editorial experience in online editing, and editing books, journal articles, abstracts, and promotional and educational materials. Carolyn earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from the State University of New York (SUNY) at Buffalo.